wipers driving me crazy

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wipers driving me crazy

Post by bobcatt »

65.5 They used to work okay before I stripped my dash to paint it. After washing down the dash, the switch locked up. One of you guys sold me another, but it only ran on high, overheats, and quits. I got another, but the push clip rivet for a connection didn't stay inside the body. Both switches look correct from the outside. Maybe it's my motor. I tried wiring it this way and that. There is one obviously hot and four other wires coming from the motor. .

I stripped out the adapter for the wiper arm trying to get it to work. NAPA didn't have one for sale (where I bought the one I had) and advance and autozone had no listing. I can probably order ones on Monday, but I don't particularly like the adapter, push on arms. Anybody have a better recommendation. If I can get an arm, at least I can drive it with the motor on high.

Thanks, Bob
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